
Sandblasting Abrasive

The first sandblasting process was patented in the US in 1870. As a cleaning method, it is often used for priming a surface for the application of paint or a sealant. When painting, one doesn't want to trap dust, dirt, or bubbles in a previous layer of paint, or other imperfections under the new layer. By launching small bits of abrasive at the surface at a high speed, all imperfections are knocked loose and can then be easily washed off, creating an incredibly smooth surface upon which to lay the new layer of paint. Sandblasting may also be used for such projects as cleaning the hulls of ships or large structures such as the Golden Gate Bridge.

· A sandblasting tip is typically manufactured from a material, such as ceramic, that will wear over time due to the sandblasting pressure pushing the abrasive through the nozzle as a job is being completed. The tip size commonly refers to the size of the opening in the tip, and each tip comes from the manufacturer with a recommended sandblasting pressure according to the type of blasting media that is being used.

· The user will also need to wear proper safety equipment, such as gloves, goggles, and a nose and mouth mask, since the sand can be harmful to one's health. The process of abrasive sandblasting starts with prepping an area in which the blasting can take place.







